Poi Dog Ponderings

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Only Constant is Change

Chicago was great, but the best welcome home gift was Willa, Ruby and no green slime. It looks like the antibiotics are working. During the morning agility training Willa started barking, well…trying to bark. The folks at LSU warned us that the radiation may cause changes to her eye, mouth and throat. It appears that is the case. Her eye is watering a bit, her mouth, now free of the slime, is a bit pink and her bark is…well…tiny. We’ll continue to consult and monitor, but aside from a tiny dog bark, Willa had a great time and ran her butt off this morning.

While visiting Shedd Aquarium we picked up a few gifts for the girls. If you know Ruby, you know she LOVES whales. Shamu has been her favorite for years (in fact she is actually on her second Shamu, the first was loved to death). Ruby wraps her paws around her whale and nurses on its head, falling into a trancelike state we call “The Shamu Zone”. We name all the toys and Ruby’s new Beluga is “Bella” after one of the Shedd whales. Here are Willa and Ruby with their Octopus and Bella.

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As you can see, Ruby loves her Bella. Note: She’s not chewing on Bella, she’s in a nursing trance, waking  only if she needs to adjust her paws, needs to nurse a bit more or begins to fall over.

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It’s good to be home.

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