Poi Dog Ponderings

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cliffs of Moher to Galway

This morning’s trip took us under the Shannon River and into County Clare. The Cliffs of Moher are on the western edge of the county. They are an amazing site, think Cliffs of Insanity and you would be close. The tower at the top is about 30-40 feet high.


Just North of the cliffs is the tiny town of Doolin. Home to McDermott’s Pub. It was so close to the cliffs it made a perfect stop for lunch, half-pint for the driver and a full pint for the passenger/birthday girl/co-pilot/navigator.


We have learned something interesting about traveling for so long on the “other” side of the road. We are beginning to confuse Left and Right. It’s not affecting our driving, but we look for sights on the wrong side of the car. We have begun to use “My Side” and “Your Side”. (We have also discovered that “Eeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy” is not very helpful to the driver, while “Buuuuuussssssss” causes me to take corrective action.)

On the way out of Doolin we took a side trip to see “The Burren”. This is a huge expanse of exposed rock from the tree cutting exploits of early inhabitants of this area. Somehow, back 6000 years ago these guys had enough time on their hands to clear cut the region, change the ecosystem and make it a poor location for new trees.


On the way out to Galway we passed this amazing Monastic Site. The Kilmacdaugh Monastic site was started in the 7th century! It’s beautiful and still standing (well, leaning.) The tower was where the monks hid from the Vikings! It’s got a bit of a list, but it is beautiful.


Dinner in Galway and bed.

Mary Jane and Matthew



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